
Showing posts from April, 2021


  My favorite technological tool is a photographic camera. Since i was a child, i like to take pictures and steal some of my family’s cameras, only to do whatever i want with it. When i was 16 i bought my first camera. It was a used camera, but it worked fine. I quite like it, especially because i bought it myself. Now in college, my family gave me a more profesional one and i love to use it and   take pictures with it , especially to the moon and the animals, because it’s fascinating to capture these incredible moments. I use it depending on where i am, because i’m all the time at my home, but i always take it with me when i go out and especially when i ride my bike, becuase of the fantastic landscapes that i can capture. I like all kind of cameras because they represent a frame of the moment, as something symbolical, specia, unique. The photos capture a tiny part of time and that’s captivating. I know that i can live without a camera, but i think that everything is more exciting

my career

  When I was a child I dreamed about being an astronaut, like everyone else. When I grew up, I followed the science and maths areas. I also wanted to be a vet, but my mother said that I should examine spiders so I left it. I was in high school when I applied to Agronomy, because I liked the science and maths areas. My first year of college started, and I was freaking out. It was like a storm of emotions. I thought about it, and left the career. i dropped college in september, and till december, i thought about a new career, with the help of my family and my friends. Although I like to create stuff, I didn't want to assume about being in design, just by the fact that I didn't like graphic design. I convinced myself of going,so i went to a chat about the career and there was when I discovered the enormous world of design and how big the career is. Since I applied for design back in 2018 I knew that I wanted to be an industrial designer.  The first year was really tough, even wors

Introducing me

  Hi everyone, i introduce myself. I was born on October 9th, 1998 in Santiago, Chile, and i´ve never moved from here, though i got a house in a tiny town nearby Coquimbo, where my father lives, and i love it. It´s so beautiful and peaceful, kinda like my special place. I studied in three diferents schools when i was a child and my last school it’s called Grace College. When i finished school i studied one year of agronomic engineering but i don´t like it that much, so i changed and entered to industrial design at Universidad de Chile in 2018. Now it's my 4th year and i really like my career. About my family, i live with my mom and my two young brothers and my lovely dog coco. We live in Huechuraba. I do a lot of interesting stuff. When i go to my dad´s house, i usually ride my bike and do long walks in the countryside, but when i stay here in Santiago, i usually   paint, practice photography and learn about fashion design, and of course i read college texts. Other thinks that