my career

 When I was a child I dreamed about being an astronaut, like everyone else. When I grew up, I followed the science and maths areas. I also wanted to be a vet, but my mother said that I should examine spiders so I left it.

I was in high school when I applied to Agronomy, because I liked the science and maths areas. My first year of college started, and I was freaking out. It was like a storm of emotions. I thought about it, and left the career.

i dropped college in september, and till december, i thought about a new career, with the help of my family and my friends. Although I like to create stuff, I didn't want to assume about being in design, just by the fact that I didn't like graphic design.

I convinced myself of going,so i went to a chat about the career and there was when I discovered the enormous world of design and how big the career is. Since I applied for design back in 2018 I knew that I wanted to be an industrial designer. 

The first year was really tough, even worse than agronomy and my grades were awful. But in the second year, i catched up and I remembered why I like this career so much, so I learned a lot from those two funny years, especially because of the creative process. now with the pandemic, it's a bit more tedious, because of the lots of theoretical subjects, instead of practical ones.

Now I'm in fourth year, and i'm really interested in the world of biomaterials and ecological design, in addition to fashion design. I like to think of rethinking the design and work on a project about the previous themes.

I don't know which will be my dream job for the future, but i want it to be focused on ethical design and being conscious of the people and the environment. I think it's time to change things and it's my responsibility to create the foundations of this conscience.


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